Brazil Travel


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Travellers from Paraguay - a profile

Below, results of a survey conducted by Embratur, the Brazilian Tourist Authority, to trace the profile of the Paraguayain tourists who came to Brazil in 2002.
Most Paraguayans visit the States in the South and Southeast of Brazil, near the border between the two countries.
Read more about the Embratur survey on international tourism in Brazil.

Purpose of the trip (%)
Leisure / Holidays/ Vacation 44.83
Business / Conventions 32.75
Visits fo Family and/or Friends 12.07
Study / Teaching / Research 5.18
Religion / Pilgrimage 5.17
Factors of influence in the decision to visit Brazil (%)
Information from friends 66.67
Folder / Printed Guides 16.77
Internet 16.57
Age brackets (%)
18 - 27 y.o. 25.42
28 - 45 y.o. 47.46
46 - 65 y.o. 23.73
over 65 y.o. 3.39
Level of Education (%)
Elementary 6.78
Intermediary 28.81
Superior 64.41
Profession (%)
Trademen 15.25
Engineer 10.17
Teacher/Professor 10.10
Student 6.78
Housewives 6.78
Doctors 5.08
Companionship (%)
Alone 22.03
With family 57.63
With friends 20.34
Average annual income US$ 16,035.55
Organization of the trip (%)
Not organized by travel agencies 96.61
Organized by travel agencies 3.39
Repeat trips to Brazil (%)
First time trip 8.62
Not the first trip 91.38
Intention of returning to Brazil (%)
Have the intention to return to Brazil 98.31
Do not have the intention to return to Brazil 1.69
Averagage staying 13.39 days
Average spending per capita US$ 68.41
Tourists coming with a travel agency US$ 74.00
Tourists not coming with a travel agency US$ 62.08
Most visited cities (%)
Sao Paulo 30.51
Curitiba 16.95
Camboriu 15.25
Florianópolis 15.20
Foz do Iguacu 10.17
Rio de Janeiro 6.78
Lodging (%)
Hotels 51.72
Family / Friends 34.48
House/Apartment Rented 10.34
House/Apartment Own 1.74
Others 1.72
Biggest complaints from tourists (%)
Safety 7.41
Tourist Information 3.85
Taxi 3.03
Nighlife 2.94
Public Transportation 2.86
Dirtiness 1.72
Meeting of expectations (%)
Expectations exceeded 20.38
Expectations fully met 72.88
Expectations partially met 3.39
Disappointed 3.35

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