Brazil Travel


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Travel to Rio Grande do Norte

climate in Natal

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Area: 53,306 km2; Population: 2,770,730 (2000)
Official website:
Important newspapers: Tribuna do Norte; Diário de Natal
Map of Rio Grande do Norte; Arriving to Rio Grande do Norte
Hotels in Rio Grande do Norte

Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Pipa

Rio Grande do Norte is the Portuguese for "Long River of the North"; notice that Brazil has also an State called Rio Grande do Sul.
Except for the eastern coast, the State of Rio Grande do Norte is in the semi-arid zone, meaning that rains are scarce and irregulars. The zone of the semi-arid reaches the Atlantic Ocean, and this is the cause of some cities (including the capital, Natal) present a landscape of dunes and sand hills.
Because of climate and soil, the culture of sugar cane in the State, during the colonial times, was restricted to just the southern half of the eastern coast (up until Goianinha); a consequence is that the influence of black people is felt less intensely than in Paraíba, Pernambuco and Bahia.

Important cities in Rio Grande do Norte

Capital city: Natal.

Morro do Careca

Tourist Attractions and Events in Rio Grande do Norte

Carnatal: the carnaval off-season of Natal

Rio Grande do Norte - Culture

Culinary: the most typical food is "carne de sol", a kind of jerked beef whose preparation process was developed over the centuries; this is garnished by several other regional products, like cooked manioc, green beans, and cuscuz (corn flour);

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