Brazil Travel


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Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná

Below, results of a survey conducted by Embratur, the Brazilian Tourism Office, about how foreigner travellers evaluate the city of Foz do Iguaçu, in the State of Paraná.
Read more about the Embratur survey on International Tourism in Brazil.

Purpose of the trip (%)
Leisure / Holidays/ Vacation 80.47
Visits fo Family and/or Friends 7.41
Business / Conventions 8.75
Study / Teaching / Research 1.35
Health Treatment 0.34
Religion / Pilgrimage 0.34
Others 1.35
Factors of influence in the decision to visit Brazil (%)
Information from friends 46.02
Folder / Printed Guides 18.14
Internet 9.29
Magazines 6.64
Television 5.31
Newspapers 4.87
Other means of communication 9.73
Age brackets (%)
18 - 27 y.o. 23.59
28 - 45 y.o. 32.89
46 - 65 y.o. 36.21
over 65 y.o. 7.31
Level of Education (%)
Elementary 9.93
Intermediary 29.47
Superior 60.60
Occupation (%)
Retired 11.63
Student 9.97
Housewife 6.31
Trade sector 4.98
Teacher / Professor 4.67
Engineer 4.65
Civil servant 1.66
Companionship (%)
Alone 14.86
With family 43.92
With friends 30.07
Travel package 11.15
Average annual income US$ 24,141.49
Organization of the trip (%)
Not organized by travel agencies 44.04
Organized by travel agencies 55.96
Repeat trips to Brazil (%)
First time trip 69.21
Not first trip 30.79
Intention of returning to Brazil (%)
Have the intention to return to Brazil 90.67
Do not have the intention to return to Brazil 9.33
Averagage staying 4.10 days
Average spending per capita US$ 56.08
Other cities visited (%)
Rio de Janeiro 57.62
Salvador 19.21
Sao Paulo 18.87
Manaus 9.60
Florianopolis 7.95
Parati 6.95
Camboriu 2.32
Lodging (%)
Hotels 83.90
Family / Friends 11.02
Camping 5.08
Hotels Evaluation (%)
Evaluation Hygiene Services Price
Excellent 34.29 28.57 27.59
Good 61.90 66.67 58.62
Regular 3.81 4.76 6.92
Bad - - 6.87

Restaurants Evaluation (%)
Evaluation Cleanness Services Food Quality Prices Typical food
Excellent 17.27 17.59 24.04 14.15 26.76
Good 75.45 76.85 71.15 66.98 64.79
Regular 6.36 4.63 3.85 16.98 8.45
Bad 0.92 0.93 0.96 1.89 -

Tourist Information (%)
Evaluation Availability of information Accuracy of information
Excellent 6.45 16.13
Good 67.74 64.52
Regular 16.13 16.12
Bad 9.68 3.23

Tourist Guides (%)
Evaluation Services Time keeping
Excellent 38.75 33.75
Good 55.00 57.50
Regular 5.00 7.50
Bad 1.25 1.25

Highways (%)
Evaluation Maintenaince Signalization Points of support
Excellent 8.47 9.09 5.13
Good 81.36 87.27 92.31
Regular 6.78 1.84 2.56
Bad 3.39 1.80 -

Biggest complaints from tourists (%)
Taxi 9.76
Safety 8.65
Telecommunications 8.33
Public Transportation 4.92
Dirtiness 3.36
Nightlife 1.39
Tourist information 0.96
Meeting of expectations (%)
Expectations exceeded 39.20
Expectations fully met 48.84
Expectations partially met 10.30
Disappointed 1.66

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