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Bahia and Salvador - Tourist information

climate in Salvador, Bahia

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Area: 567,295 km2; Population: 13,070,250 (2000)
Official web sites:;
Important newspapers: A Tarde; Correio da Bahia; Tribuna da Bahia
Map of Bahia; How to get to Bahia
Hotels in Bahia

Bahia, blackest State in Brazil

Bahia is the largest and most populated State in Brazilian Northeast.
Bahia is the State with the largest black community, and where black traditions are stronger.
Notice: the Bahians themselves claim to be, and are proud of it, the blackest State in Brazil.

Elevador Lacerda

Important cities in Bahia

Capital city: Salvador.
Morro de São Paulo. Paradisiac island.
Caravelas and Abrolhos. Natural Marine Park.
Porto Seguro. This is where the History of Brazil started.
List with all cities in Bahia.

Tourist Attractions and Events in Bahia

Carnival in Salvador: starts early, finishes late
Carnaval da Bahia. Social network site, live cameras during the Carnival.
Carnival 2009 Salvador. Change the year in the address bar to check out for other years reports.
Carnival Salvador 2010. A travel report.


In no other State of Brazil is the influence of black culture so visible as in Bahia.
Food in Bahia. Different from all the rest of Brazil.
Religion Syncretism. A mixture of European and African religions.

Filhos de Gandhy

Other sites

Bahia. In Portuguese.
Bahia Brasil . de. Information about Bahia, in German.
Bahia. Information about Bahia in English.

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