Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Repercussion

Brazilians were unanimous: the team was not up to expectations.
In interviews, coach Parreira and other players said that, after the first match, the team should improve.
Two players, Kaká and Adriano, hinted that the team was better with Robinho in place of Ronaldo.

An online survey by O Globo showed that more than 60% of Brazilian fans want Robinho instead of Ronaldo. On Wednesday, after the match against Croatia, Ronaldo felt dizziness and was taken to a hospital; the doctors suspected of sinusite and gastritis, but exams showed nothing.

The pressure is on Parreira, to substitute Ronaldo.
In the 1994 World Cup, Parreira faced a similar problem.
He had a preference for Raí, the player who led São Paulo FC into becoming the World Champion in 1992 and 1993. Raí had bad performances in the first three matches, against Russia, Cameron and Sweden; everyone asked Parreira to substitute him, but he insisted. In the first match of second stage, against USA, Raí was replaced by Mazinho, who played until the end of that Cup.

Ronaldo has more credentials than Raí had. Ronaldo scored 12 goals in World Cups, and he needs only 3 more to set a new record.
However, today Brazil has more options to replace Ronaldo (than we had to replace Raí). Parreira can simply took Ronaldo out and put Robinho in; then, Adriano would be the center-forward, and Robinho would be closer to Ronaldinho and Kaká. Or, as many are asking, Parreira could play with Juninho Pernambucano, who has been one of the best performers in the trainings; in such case, Ronaldo is out, Zé Roberto would be advanced a bit, and Juninho would do what Zé Roberto is doing today.

But it looks that, against Australia, Parreira will continue giving support to Ronaldo.


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