Brazil Travel


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A profile of the British tourist who visited Brazil in 2002

Every year, "Embratur, the Brazilian Travel Authority, performs a survey to find out what foreigner travellers who visit Brazil think about their trip; the data below refer to British tourists who visited Brazil in 2002.
Read more about this Embratur analysis.

Purpose of the trip (%)
Leisure / Holidays/ Vacation 56.76
Visits fo Family and/or Friends 19.82
Business / Conventions 21.62
Other 1.80
Factors of influence in the decision to visit Brazil (%)
Information from friends 55.77
Internet 9.62
Television 7.69
Magazines 3.87
Newspapers 1.92
Folders / Printed guides 1.90
Others 19.23
Age brackets (%)
18 - 27 y.o. 18.42
28 - 45 y.o. 53.51
46 - 65 y.o. 25.44
over 65 y.o. 2.63
Level of Education (%)
Elementary 2.63
Intermediary 28.07
Superior 69.30
Occupation (%)
Engineer 9.82
Teacher / Professor 8.93
Student 7.14
Manager 6.25
Secretary 5.36
Retired 4.46
Companionship (%)
Alone 29.46
With family 30.36
With friends 38.39
Travel package 1.79
Average annual income US$ 37,662.46
Organization of the trip (%)
Not organized by travel agencies 76.32
Organized by travel agencies 23.68
Repeat trips to Brazil (%)
First time trip 50.00
Not the first trip 50.00
Intention of returning to Brazil (%)
Have the intention to return to Brazil 95.54
Do not have the intention to return to Brazil 4.46
Averagage staying 15.99 days
Average spending per capita US$ 81.22
Tourists coming with a travel agency US$ 135.23
Tourists not coming with a travel agency US$ 77.06
Most visited cities (%)
Rio de Janeiro 66.67
Sao Paulo 21.05
Foz do Iguacu 18.42
Salvador 13.16
Parati 7.89
Recife 6.14
Lodging (%)
Hotels 70.54
Family / Friends 19.64
House/Apartment Own 1.83
House/Apartment Rented 1.81
Camping 4.46
Others 1.70
Biggest complaints from tourists (%)
Safety 11.40
Tourist information 7.04
Taxi 6.59
Dirtiness 5.31
Public transportation 5.06
Telecommunications systems 3.85
Nightlife 2.17
Meeting of expectations (%)
Expectations exceeded 44.25
Expectations fully met 46.02
Expectations partially met 8.85
Disappointed 0.88

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