Brazil Travel


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Rio Grande do Sul

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flag of Rio Grande do Sul
map of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Map of Rio Grande do Sul

Capital: Porto Alegre
Area: 282,062 km2
Important cities:Pelotas, Caxias do Sul, Canoas, Santa Maria
Economy:industry, agriculture

Important newspapers: Zero Hora

Rio Grande do Sul is the southern most state of Brazil; climate is sub-tropical.
During colonial times, Portugal and Spain fought over this area. Spanish jesuits founded missions close to rio Uruguay back in 1627; the first Portuguese settlement was Colony of Sacrament, founded in 1680; in 1687, Portuguese jesuits founded Sete Povos das Missões.
In 1742, Portuguese founded Porto dos Casais, which turned in today's Porto Alegre; early in 1800s, the Portuguese domination was consolidated; in 1824, the first German and Italian imigrants arrived.
The low lands which extend from Rio Grande do Sul to Uruguay and Argentina favor cattle breedin, and this avocation was and is still being followed by the state.

Travel to Rio Grande do Sul
Travel and culture information about the State and main cities.

Read also: Tourism in Porto Alegre
How foreigner travellers evaluate the city

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