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E-commerce in Brazil

Brazilian e-commerce market reaches US$ 4.5 bn in 2003

A survey coordinated by professor Alberto Luiz Albertin, from the IT Department of the MBA School of prestigious Fundacao Getulio Vargas showed that Brazilian consumers purchased US$ 4.5 billion in products and services over the internet in 2003. Compared to 2002, there was a growth of 163%.
"- Even with the shrinking of Brazilian economy in 2003, business and investments in e-commerce expanded. Volumes are impressive" - syas Albertin.
Of all the investments of 2003 by Brazilian companies, 0.84% were chanelled to e-commerce, either with consumers or with other companies. Between companies, US$ 12 billion were transacted in 2003, twice as much as in 2002.
Still according to the survey, the trading companies invested 25% of their IT budgets in e-commerce, whereas the services companies invested 20%. In the opinion of the professor, the Brazilian managers are not in skeptical any more, and are finding that the internet is an excellent means of communication and marketing.
Out of the companies surveyed, 90% have an internet presence, and 16.05% use the net for marketing purposes; this figure compares to the 9.8% of 2002.
According to FGV, by the end of 2003 Brazil had 20 million PCs installed; until May, the number should grow to 22 million. They add:
"- We forecast that the total number of PCs will be 25 million, in 2005, and 30 million, in 2007. Today, only 11% of Brazilians have a PC at home".

Read the report (in Portuguese only, quick registration required) about this matter published by O Globo here

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